Australian Organic

Australian Organic
18 Eton Street
Nundah, QLD 4012


Australian Organic owns and supports the nation’s largest organic certifying group Australian Certified Organic.

Australian Organic is the certification arm owned by Australian Organic. It’s Australia’s premier organic certification body and licenser of organic and biodynamic operators in Australia. Australian Organic Certification covers producers, processors, manufacturers, and retailers, wholesalers, and exporters.

Australian Organic conforms to leading international organic standards for worldwide market access and administers a rigorous standard for organic production, the Australian Certified Organic Standard.

The majority of organic products sold in Australia carry the Australian Organic Bud logo. It is the most widely recognised and trusted organic certification mark by consumers and gives businesses more market access around the world than any other Australian certification.

The Australian Certified Organic logo is Australia's organic industry's leading logo. It carries with it the ability to market organic produce on both domestic and international markets with confidence and market advantage. The logo is well recognised both in Australia, Asia, Europe and the USA.

Josefine Pettersson
Operations and Technical Manager

Jackie Brian
Chief Executive

Nicholas Mukherjee
Research and Policy Officer

Member Newsletter
Australian Organic
Josefine Pettersson
18 Eton Street
Nundah QLD 4012
Australian Organic Ltd (AOL) is the leading peak body for the organic industry.

Australian Organic is the certification arm owned by Australian Organic. It is Australia’s premier organic certification body and licenser of organic and biodynamic operators in Australia.

Australian Organic Certification covers producers, processors, manufacturers, and retailers, wholesalers, and exporters.

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