A Snapshot of the Turkish Olive Oil Sector

A Snapshot of the Turkish Olive Oil Sector


A Snapshot of the Turkish Olive Oil Sector

. Olives : A feature of Turkey since 4000 BC

. Main actors in the Turkish olive and olive oil sector: An innovation system framework

. What is the National Olive and Olive Oil Council (UZZK)?

. The taste panel of the Olive Research Institute

. What are natural olives? How are they produced?

. Olive Gene Resources in Turkey

. Creating awareness of the importance of Turkish olive germplasm through a mobile olive oil extraction system

. Innovations in table olive processing

. Zero discharge of olive waste: green energy application

. Olive cultivation in Çanakkale

. Industry-university partnership for the simultaneous biotechnological degradation and value enhancement of olive mill wastewater

. Sensorial attributes of Turkish olive oil

. World Olive Day

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